Working interest & Net Revenue Interest Calculations (Basic & Advanced) - 2 Day Option

  • Registration Closed

OVERVIEW: This seminar is intended to equip Land Professionals with elementary skills for Working Interest (WI) and Net Revenue Interest (NRI) calculations. Instruction is limited to NRI and WI calculations which may be found in leases, assignments, operating agreements, and associated documents. In addition, AAPL offers a 2-Day Working Interest and Net Revenue Interest Seminar. Day One will consist of basic instruction and examples. Day 2 will consist of advanced instruction and examples. Participants may choose to take these sessions individually or together. It is highly recommended to complete the Basic Workshop prior to taking the Advanced Workshop.

SCHEDULE: Day 1 (Basic) and Day 2 (Advanced)

  •  8:00 a.m. - Registration & Continental Breakfast
  •  8:15 a.m. - Instruction & Examples
  • 11:30 a.m. - Lunch (provided)
  •  Noon  -  Instruction & Examples (continued)
  •  3:30 p.m. - Adjourn

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Accredited for 6 CEUs per day.